Foto oben:German Frers mit seiner Tochter Zelmira
Dies ist eine etwas besondere Vorstellung eines sehr besonderen Buches. Es geht um den Argentinier German Frers, einem der bekanntesten Yachtdesigner unserer Zeit, um eine klassische Segelyacht, die sein Vater 1942 entworfen hat, und um die Tochter von German Frers, die ein wunderschönes Buch über den späten Bau dieser Yacht aus dem Jahre 1942 kreiert hat. Denn das Boot wurde damals nicht gebaut, sondern erst jetzt, von dem auch schon 80-jährigen Frers „Junior“, original nach den Plänen seines Vaters. Das Buch ist in englischer Sprache erschienen, es ist aber vor allem ein großformatiges „Bilderbuch“ – ein Schmuckstück und eine wahre Augenweide für jeden Aficionado klassischer Yachten. Da das Buch aber nun auf Englisch erschienen ist, wird es hier, von meinem Freund un Kollegen Ron Valent, ebenfalls auf Englisch vorgestellt.
Die Yacht Recluta in Südfrankreich
Frers passion in print
In 2002 Barry Pickthall wrote an excellent book about the first 2 generations of Frers active as naval architects. The book was called A Passion for Design and there is truly no other word in the English language that so perfectly describes the emotion that drives this Argentinian family. Passion about sailing, passion about yacht design and passion about the importance of family.
During the building of Recluta Germán’s daughter Zelmira, herself an interior designer and architect, went to visit her father to find out where he was spending so much time lately. It was in a shed there in Buenos Aires that she saw the beginnings of Recluta for the first time and became totally inspired by what was happening there. She began to document the process which has resulted in a remarkable book that gives an extremely personal and emotional insight into this amazing project.
The Story Behind Recluta is a beautiful, coffee table work of art that in words and images describes the obvious pleasure and passion that the Argentinian craftsmen were putting into the yacht and how deeply involved Frers himself was in its construction. An extremely personal and emotional book that is much more than just the documentation of a build process and possibly for the first time reveals in words and images why yachts have a soul that is tangible and there to see and feel. A must have for any serious lover of classic yachts.
Zelmira Frers – The Story Behind Recluta. Available for €75,00 through